ENG41: English Writing Workshop Grade 4

In this course, students will learn how to make their writing more effective. Students will learn how to analyze their writing to make sure key components are present and clear. These components will be made clear to them through numerous exercises they will complete throughout the course. By the end of the course, students will understand vivid verbs, precise nouns, adjectives, adverbs, personal narratives, dialogue, settings, characters, and more.

- Writing a Story
Use Your Senses 
Use Your Adjectives and Adverbs 
The Writing Process: Descriptive Writing 
What Is a Personal Narrative? 
Use Time Order 
The Writing Process: Personal Narrative 
What Makes a Story? 
Practice Your Dialogue 
Imagine a Setting  
Create a Character 
What’s Your Point of View? 
Stories Are Everywhere 
The Writing Process: Story 

- Writing to Inform
Why and How Do We Inform? 
Make an Announcement 
Write a Friendly Letter 
The Writing Process: Biography
How Do We Compare? 
Compare Two and More Than Two 
Compare Two Objects
Organize It in Space 
Find Causes and Effects
Relate an Event 
Why Do We Explain?
Write Instructions 
Give Me Directions
Find the Main Idea 
Find the Details

- Writing an Opinion
When and Why Do We Persuade? 
Give Me the Facts 
Don’t Make Me Cry 
Facts, Opinions, and Bias 
Organize by Importance 
The Writing Process: Opinion Statement 
Just Business